A selection of photos aggregating our waste – identifying its not your or my waste but our waste that is the problem to address http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/29/chris-jordan_n_5035897.html

Hats off to everyone who participated in Clean Up Australia Day – what a great initiative.
And this year the recycling program has broadened to include cigarette butts thanks to TERRACYCLE.
You can find more info on their cigarette waste recycling program here http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/cigarette-waste-brigade.html
Read more about the Clean Up Australia program here http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-03-02/clean-up-australia-day-cigarette-butts-recycled/5293296 or at http://www.cleanup.org.au/au/

The cityswitch program has an interesting article providing waste management tips and tools for commercial businesses. The article covers a range of topics including Waste Management Best Practice, areas of focus for offices managing waste and also information on other programs and assistance available.
You can read the full Waste Management Tips and Tools Article here

Here is a sad story about Bali’s beaches being bombarded with rubbish courtesy of SBS.
Makes one appreciate our council’s approaches to waste management in Australia.
Two young residents of Bali (Melati – Aged 13 and Isabel- Aged 11) are trying to get 1 million signatures on a petition to ban plastic bags on Bali. Right now they are approaching 50,000. Click here if you would like to sign the petition.